大家的WordPress网站上安装的默认反垃圾插件应该都是Akismet Anti-Spam。虽然也可以防止部分垃圾邮件,但依然还是会收到太多的垃圾内容,完全无法杜绝,而且很多都是爬虫发送的。那些发垃圾邮件的人压根就没访问我们的网站。有朋友反馈说每次发布一篇新闻,都能立马收到上百封带链接的垃圾邮件,参考了网上所有Akismet的设置技巧,依然无法解决。
今天上Youtube发现Wordpress大神Darrel Wilson推荐了Cleantalk,大家来看看。
CleanTalk 有免费版本和付费版本,付费版本一年也只有10美金(目前还有20%折扣),如果能免收垃圾邮件困扰,还是非常划算的。免费版本在WordPress官方网站可以下载。链接地址是https://wordpress.org/plugins/cleantalk-spam-protect/
Contact Form 7, Contact Form by WPForms, Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, MailChimp, Formidable forms, WooCommerce, JetPack comments and contact form, BuddyPress, bbPress, S2Member, MailPoet, wpDiscuz, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, any WordPress registrations & contact forms and themes. Just set up and forget the spam!
No CAPTCHA, no questions, no animal counting, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots. Universal AntiSpam plugin.
- Stops spam comments.
- Stops spam registrations.
- Stops spam contact emails.
- Stops spam orders.
- Stops spam bookings.
- Stops spam subscriptions.
- Stops spam surveys, polls.
- Stops spam in widgets.
- Stops spam in WooCommerce.
- Checks and removes the existing spam comments and spam users.
- Compatible with mobile users and devices.
- Compatible with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU).
- Real-time email validation. Is email real or Not.
- Blocking disposable & temporary emails.
- No Spam – No Google Penalties. Give your SEO boost.
- Mobile friendly Anti Spam & FireWall.
- Stops spam in Search Form.
- Disable comments.
- Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood
- Spam FireWall: Anti-Crawler